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Inaugural lesson for Prof. Nina Kazanina
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Inaugural lesson for Prof. Nina Kazanina

On Thursday December 5, Nina Kazanina, professor in the Department of Basic Neuroscience (UNIGE) and co-director of the NCCR Evolving Language, presented her work to the public at her inaugural lecture, at the Centre Médical Universitaire de Genève.

Discover the NCCR 2024 December Calendar
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Discover the NCCR 2024 December Calendar

This December, we want to showcase the incredible identity, progress, and advancements of our talented NCCR collaborators. From groundbreaking discoveries to inspiring projects, get ready to explore the NCCR’s 2024 year in review— one post at a time for every day of December. Follow us on this adventure on Instagram!

Au coeur des expériences en neuroscience
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Au coeur des expériences en neuroscience

Découvrez le témoignage d'une élève en classe de 11ème en stage au NCCR Evolving Language sur le campus de Genève qui décrit deux expériences d'un chercheur qu'elle a pu observer.

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Exploring the past, present and future of language

The Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Evolving Language is a nationwide interdisciplinary research consortium bringing together research groups from the humanities, from language and computer science, the social sciences, and the natural sciences at an unprecedented level. Together, we aim at solving one of humanity’s great mysteries: What is language? How did our species develop the ca­pa­city for linguistic expression, for processing language in the brain, and for con­sist­ently passing down new variations to the next generation? How will our capacity for language change in the face of digital com­munication and neuroengineering?

  • Driscoll, I., Briefer, E. F., & Manser, M. B. (2024). The role of neighbour proximity and context on meerkat close call acoustic structure. Animal Behaviour, 212, 113–126.
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Evolving Language is led by Balthasar Bickel (Department of Comparative Language Science, UZH), Daphné Bavelier (Cognitive Neuroscience group, UNIGE) and Klaus Zuberbühler (Institute of Biology, UNINE). Over 40 research groups across Switzerland are taking part in this NCCR, from 9 different institutions as well as partners in industry (Google AI, Sonova) and public organisations. The project has 3 leading houses: the University of Zurich, the University of Geneva and the University of Neuchâtel.

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