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Communication and Outreach

Communication and Outreach is key to the NCCR Evolving Language. With it, our research can be made available to the public and have an impact on the world. Find all the news, events and ressources related to communication and outreach from our center on this page.


News and events

Latest news

Discover the NCCR 2024 December Calendar
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Discover the NCCR 2024 December Calendar

This December, we want to showcase the incredible identity, progress, and advancements of our talented NCCR collaborators. From groundbreaking discoveries to inspiring projects, get ready to explore the NCCR’s 2024 year in review— one post at a time for every day of December. Follow us on this adventure on Instagram!

Share your knowledge with talented youth and encourage the researchers of tomorrow!
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Share your knowledge with talented youth and encourage the researchers of tomorrow!

The Swiss Science Olympiad inspires over 8000 talented teenagers from Switzerland and Liechtenstein with workshops, camps and challenges in biology, chemistry, geography, informatics, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, physics, robotics and economics. Get involved as a volunteer in the way that suits you, your availability and your passions. Find more details in this article.

A night at the Basel Zoo
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A night at the Basel Zoo

This weekend, the researchers of the NCCR Evolving Language presented their research involving the apes of the Basel Zoo to the visitors of the "Basel Zoo Nacht"!


Find even more related news on our news webpage under "Communication and Outreach".

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Upcoming events

For more events, visit the events page with the filter “Communication and Outreach”.

Communication projects

Questions & Answers with NCCR researchers

Our researchers answered questions from our Instagram community! Have a look…

My work pictured by AI

The NCCR Evolving Language asked the MidJourney bot – an AI capable of generating images based on a text – to illustrate the work of about 30 of its researchers. Enjoy the results!

NCCR: On The Field

Spend a day in the life of NCCR researchers, through the NCCR: On The Field project!

Behind the Lens – NCCR Evolving Language

The communication project “Behind the Lens” allows you to discover our researchers’ work and daily life through the camera’s lens or other capturing device. Explore their submissions!

Ressources for researchers

We made a booklet to help researchers in their communication with the public! In it you can learn more about the importance of sharing research with the public, the does and don’t of communication, and tips for interviews, TV appearances…

SNSF Media Training Courses

The SNSF is offering training courses in communication. The dates for the 2024 sessions are out! More information about the courses are available on the SNSF’s website. Please check conditions before registering.

Visual Identity