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Survey NCCR Course Catalogue
Survey fall term 2022 & spring term 2023
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General information
First name
Last name
Courses attended
Regular courses in fall term 2022
Please indicate which courses (if only partially) you attended during the fall term 2022. Course titles are listed in alphabetical order with the name of the instructor given in parentheses. If you did not attend any courses, please select the top option.
I did not attend any courses during the fall term 2022.
Bangerter: Psychologie des organisations
Barbieri: Genetics, bioanthropology and linguistics: an introduction
Berthelé: Der Altersfaktor beim Spracherwerb
Berthelé: Languages en contact
Berthelé: Mehrsprachige Kompetenz
Berthelé: Akteurinnen, Methoden und Instrumente rund um das Lehren und Lernen von Sprachen – Actrices/acteurs, méthodes et outils autour de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues (=Cycle de conférences : Didactique des langues étrangères / Ringveranstaltung: Fremdsprachendidaktik)
Bickel: Current Advances in Evolutionary Linguistics
Bickel: Einführung in die Evolutionäre Linguistik
Brem: BME 323 Brain Disorders
Brem: IDB 402 Systems, Computation and Neural Technology
Burkart: BIO 201 Primate Evolutionary Biology
Burkart: Anthropologie
Dellwo: Our voice: Between linguistic and idiosyncratic information
Dellwo: Voice analysis
Furrer: STA 402 Likelihood Inference
Furrer: STA 472 Good Statistical Practice
Glock: Mice, Men and Machines
Glock: Erkenntnistheorie
Glock: Metaphilosophy
Glock: Sprachphilosophie
Glock: Sprachphilosophie (Vertiefung)
Hahnloser: INI 431 Readings in Neuroinformatics
Hahnloser: INI 502 Basics of instrumentation, measurement, and analysis
Hahnloser: IDB 402 Systems, Computation and Neural Technology
Manser: BIO 331 Frontiers in Animal Behaviour
Manser: BIO 625 Bioacoustics
Manser & Shimizu: BIO 606 BEEES Seminar (Behaviour, Ecology, Environment and Evolution Seminar)
Manser & Townsend: BIO 386 Sociobiology of Communication
Manser & Townsend: BIO 387 Sociobiology in Animals
Magimai Doss: Automatic speech processing
Magimai Doss: Digital Speech and Audio Coding
Sanchez: BIO 267 Paleobiology and Evolution of Vertebrates
Stoll: Variation in der kindlichen Sprachentwicklung
Shimizu: BIO 351 Principles of Evolution: Theory
Shimizu: BIO 351 Principles of Evolution: Practice
Shimizu: BIO 373 Next Generation Sequencing for Evolutionary Functional Genomics
Townsend: Vergleichende Forschung zum Sprachursprung
Van de Ville: Image processing I
Van de Ville: Neural signals and signal processing
Volk: Language Data Processing
Volk: The Power of Large Language Models
Weibel: GEO 872 Advanced Spatial Analysis I
Weber: Philosophie et évolution
Widmer: Diversität indogermanischer Sprachen
Widmer: Dimensionen von Variation in den slavischen Sprachen
Wild: Wissenschaftsphilosophie: Naturwissenschaft 1
Zhang: Data Science Lab
Zhang: Data Modeling and Computer Vision
Zesiger: Les troubles de l’apprentissage I : approche neuropsychologique développementale
Zuberbühler: Scientific Writing
Zuberbühler: Seminar ecology and evolution
Zuberbülher, Bangerter & Clément: Integrative Models
Regular courses in spring term 2023
Please indicate which courses (if only partially) you attended during the spring term 2022. Course titles are listed in alphabetical order with the name of the instructor given in parentheses. If you did not attend any courses, please select the top option.
I did not attend any courses during the spring term 2023.
Bangerter: Méthodes qualitatives
Bangerter: Communication and coordination
Bangerter: Methods in cognitive science
Bavelier: Brain plasticity and development
Berthelé: Plurilinguisme instituionnel
Berthelé: Plurilinguisme et cognition
Bickel: Current Advances in Evolutionary Language Science
Brem: Experimental human studies
Brem: Research Seminar on Developmental Neuropsychology and Brain Mapping
Burkart: Primate origins of human sociality, cognition and mind
Burkart: Primate Behavior – Empirical Research
Clément: Social cognition and development
Clément: Cognitive socio-anthropology
Daum: Monolingualer und bilingualer Spracherwerb im Vergleich
Dellwo: Fundamentals of speech sciences and signal processing
Dellwo: The neural foundation of speech
Dellwo: Experiments with speech
Furrer: Modelling Dependent Data
Furrer: Design of Experiments
Garner: Foundations in statistics for artificial intelligence
Glock: Philosophy of Animal Minds
Glock: Sprachphilosophie (Vertiefung)
Glock: Erkenntnistheorie (Vertiefung)
Grandjean: Expression et communcation de l’émotion
Grandjean: Neuropsychologie des émotions et neurosciences affectives
Grandjean: Neurosciences affectives (TP)
Hahnloser: Neural Systems
Hurst: Introduction à la Bioéthique
Laganaro: Evaluation et prise en charge en neuropsychologie du langage chez l’adulte
Lovis: Human genetics and genomics 2 – Digital Health
Manser: Verhaltensbiologie
Manser: Bioacoustics
Manser & Shimizu: BEEES Seminar (Behaviour, Ecology, Environment and Evolution Seminar)
Meyer: Brain, Language, Experiments
Sánchez-Villagra: Evolution und Biodiversität II: Wirbeltiere und Pflanzen
Shimizu: Concepts in Evolutionary Biology
Shimizu: Functional Genomics
Stoll: Mechanisms of first language acquisition
Van de Ville: Image processing
Weber: Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Weibel: Raumanalyse mit GIS
Widmer: Einführung ins Avestische
Wild: Wissenschaftsphilosophie: Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften
Xantos: Introduction au traitement d’image
Xantos: Introduction à l’analyse de données en sciences humaines et sociales
Xantos: Programmation pour le texte II : interfaces
Xantos: Traitement informatique des corpus textuels
Zhang: Large Language Models
Zhang: Data Modelling and Databases
Zesiger: Les troubles de l’apprentissage II
Zuberbühler: Animal behaviour research
Zuberbühler: Comparative cognition
Other courses attended
If you attended any other courses that are not listed above, please provide instructor, title, and term of the relevant course here.
Other feedback
If you have any comments or questions (suggestions for future courses, questions regarding the course catalogue, etc.), please write them down in the section below.