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Extension grants

Extension grants (normally limited to CHF 50’000) offset costs necessitated by unforeseen costs increases within a Task, such as more and/or longer expeditions, additional experiments, or time-consuming analyses to make results interpretable and publishable. Please provide details of how these requirements will be met, including a write-up timeline. Extension grants can also help integrate new NCCR professors and to develop new lines of research in a task.


Applications are submitted by the Task Coordinators.


Applications should include, in a single PDF of no more than 2 pages, a concise description of the tasks, their relevance for the NCCR’s overall goals, a timeline with deliverables and, for grants, on a third page, an itemized budget. Please note that grants can be spent on any items eligible according to the NCCR Budget Guidelines until the end of Phase 2.

Currently there is no call.