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BACKUP: Reporting of structure-related activities

Here, you can submit structure-related activities you’ve done for reporting all throughout the year.

For example, these can be: giving an interview, being invited as a speaker during a conference, doing a consulting’s mission, organising an outreach event, appearing in a broadcast, being cited in an newspaper article…

For detailed instructions on how to report scientific publications and data sets please read the Publication reporting guidelines.

Academic Events

Report your active participation or organization of academic events. Academic events are teaching and/or instructional programs for University credit or for research by University faculty.

Report your active participation or organization of academic events. Academic events are teaching and/or instructional programs for University credit or for research by University faculty.

Report your target knowledge dissemination activities. Target knowledge dissemination is an interactive process of communicating knowledge to target audiences so that it may lead to change. It can be addressed to the public or the private sector.

Report your public communications. Public communications are works that you participated in, that are meant to be diffused to the public.

Report your media coverage activities. Media coverages are mentions of your work by media outlets (traditional or not).

Report your Scientific Services. Scientific services are tools (software, toolkits, questionnaire or databases) meant to serve the NCCR researchers, other scientists or other private sector clients.

Report your measures for education and training. Measures for education and training are targeted to ECRs (early career researchers), such as writing retreat, workshops…

Report your measures for equal opportunities (equality, diversity and inclusivity). Measures for equal opportunities are activities meant to target specific needs of NCCR members, such as childcare, accomodations for physical disabilities and support diversity within the community.

Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer refers to the process of conveying results stemming from scientific and technological research to the marketplace and to wider society.