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TTF Grants applications

Groups of at least two NCCR Members can apply for TTF support (up to CHF 100,000 per year) across a range of scales and needs.

Support may include, for example, short-term assistance above and beyond the regular services from NCCR@LiR or the new CiRI platform at U Neuchatel to address specific technical, conceptual, or ethical challenges (e.g. financial support to hire staff developing a new method or recording device or writing a conceptual paper together with NCCR members.)


Applications are open to groups of two or more NCCR members from at least 2 disciplines, and sponsored by at least one PI who will assume reporting and financial responsibility


Applications should include, in a single PDF of no more than 2 pages, a concise description of the tasks, their relevance for the NCCR’s overall goals, a timeline with deliverables and, for grants, on a third page, an itemized budget. Please note that grants can be spent on any items eligible according to the NCCR Budget Guidelines until the end of Phase 2.

Currently there is no call.