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Master Student Support Grant Application

 The NCCR Evolving Language supports master students to facilitate master’s projects (both in our own and worldwide partner institutions) with a typical contribution of CHF 3’000 (max. CHF 5’000, amounts between CHF 3’000 – CHF 5’000 will need to be justified more forcefully). That contributes concrete research to a specific WP, off-setting, for example, fieldwork or experimental costs. 


Applications are open to master students working under the supervision of an NCCR Evolving Language member.
Only duly completed application forms will be processed. 


  • Applications can be submitted throughout the year. 
  • The grant is awarded by the NCCR Directorate 
  • NCCR researchers are obliged to travel economy and / or second class. Within Europe, applicants are encouraged to travel by train if their destination can be reached within one working day. 

Application procedure

Applications have to be submitted to the NCCR Office via the online form “Application for master student support grant” below and at least one month prior the project’s start date (If company holidays and public holidays are approaching, submissions should be made at least two months in advance). Applications should include the following documents: 

  • An itemized budget (Please note that grants can be spent on any items eligible according to the NCCR Budget Guidelines);
  • A concise description of the tasks with a timeline of deliverables; 
  • A short justification of the thesis’s relevance for the NCCR’s overall goals. 

Important information about the reimbursement process 

The NCCR Office refunds the credited amount retroactively. 

  • UZH members make a reimbursement request via yokoy. Please upload all requested documents below. 

The reimbursement request must include in one PDF: 

  • The confirmation of approval of your application 
  • Detailed cost overview 
  • All receipts or invoices for the expenses reported in the summary of costs 

Reimbursement claims must be made no later than two months after returning. Please combine all documents into a single PDF. We no longer process reimbursements for which we receive multiple documents. 

Reimbursement claims have to be made no later than two months after an event by using the