Sie möchten als junger Forschungsleiter*in zu unserem NFS-Projekt dazustossen? Wir unterstützen Sie sehr gern in Ihrer Suche nach einer Gastinstitution und heissen Sie willkommen! Unten finden Sie eine Liste der Zuschüsse (Stipendium oder Gehalt) für Forscher*in und weitere Details zum Vorgang.
SNF Projektförderungen
- SNSF Starting Grants
Die SNSF Starting Grants ermöglichen die Leitung eines eigenen Forschungsprojekts und Forschungsteams in der Schweiz. Teilnehmen können Forschende, die seit ihrer Promotion, einem äquivalenten Abschluss oder ihrem medizinischen Abschluss bereits mehrere Jahre in der Forschung tätig sind, wissenschaftliche Unabhängigkeit erlangt und zu wichtigen Forschungsarbeiten auf ihrem Gebiet beigetragen haben. -> SNF Webseite - Ambizione
Die Ambizione-Beiträge richten sich an junge Forscher*innen , die ein selbstständig geplantes Projekt an einer Schweizer Hochschule durchführen, verwalten und leiten möchten. Das Instrument hat zum Ziel, Forschende aus der Schweiz sowie aus dem Ausland zu fördern. Auch Forschende auf Mittelbaustellen sind zur Gesuchstellung berechtigt. -> SNF Webseite - PRIMA
PRIMA-Beiträge richten sich an hervorragende Forscherinnen, die ein hohes Potenzial für eine Professur aufweisen. PRIMA-Beitragsempfängerinnen sind mindestens auf dem Niveau einer Gruppenleiterin angestellt und führen ein Forschungsprojekt mit einem eigenen Team an einer Schweizer Forschungsinstitution durch. -> SNF Webseite
Offene Stellen
The University of Neuchatel is seeking candidates with a PhD degree in Biology, internationally recognized research and funding record in behaviour and physiology, as well as an extensive teaching experience and administration skills.
The successful candidate will direct an independent laboratory at the Institute of Biology within the Faculty of Science. He or she will conduct top-level research that focuses on the physiological mechanisms underlying animal behaviour, including research on hormones and brain anatomy. Research should be focused on organismal biology, placing physiological results into an ecological/evolutionary framework. Applicants should possess the capacity to join an interdisciplinary research team on the evolution of complex communication, the NCCR Evolving Language. Teaching duties will be in the domains of medical physiology and behavioural physiology (full professor: 7h per week, assistant professor: 4h per week). Teaching is in French at Bachelor and English at Master level, requiring a commitm
The position is meant to start February 1st, 2025, or upon agreement
Applications should be uploaded onto (ref. FS-PHY-COMP) in the form of a single PDF file, including a letter of motivation, a CV containing lists of obtained research funding, documenting teaching and research experience, a list of publications, copies of diplomas and a list of three experts able to assess the candidate’s competence. The candidate is also invited to present a statement (three pages max.) of teaching and research interests, his/her scientific approach to the domain, and projects that he or she intends to undertake at Neuchâtel.
Further information can be obtained from the head of the hiring committee, Prof. Klaus Zuberbuehler (), as well as on the site
The University of Geneva is seeking candidates with a PhD or MD-PhD degree and expertise in the field of genetic/epigenetic influences on the development of human language, through studies of human genetics and associated communication disorders, while potentially incorporating evolutionary evidence from ancestral DNA.
The successful candidate will lead a research team, establish and maintain a competitive research programme supported by external funding, undertake pre-graduate and post-graduate teaching duties within the Faculty of Medicine, particularly in fundamental research, and participate in the scientific activities of the interdisciplinary National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Evolving Language and the host department.
The position is meant to start September 1st, 2025, or upon agreement.
Applications should be uploaded here ( until the 25th of November 2024. Applications sent by email willl not be accepted. Additional information may be obtained on this page or from: . Interested candidates are welcome to contact Nina Kazanina () in case of questions.