Open issues in language data acquisition: Research data management of large audiovisual corpora – LiRI/NCCR Friday Lunchtime Talks
The next event of the series of LiRI/NCCR Friday Lunchtime Talks will take place on November 10 over lunch time (12:30 -13:30) on-site at Andreasstrasse 15, 8050 Zurich (Room: AND 4.55/AND 4.57). Dagmar Jung, the LiRI data acquisition officer, will talk to us about language data acquisition in her talk titled: Open issues in language data acquisition: Research data management of large audiovisual corpora.
With an informal setting, we aim to provide a venue for researchers to learn about each other’s work and current research topics on machine learning, statistics, and other data-related issues.
Talk abstract
New methodologies in data collection, such as the recording of very large data sets, require a detailed set-up for the linking of e.g. audio, video, locational data with metadata of sessional parameters and participants. Problems to be solved are e.g. what (meta)data have to be detailed while recording, and what can be inferred afterwards? How can these sessions be time-aligned across recording devices?
What is involved in data sharing or data re-use at a later stage? What provisions have to be made before collecting the data in terms of informed consent? How can sensitive data be archived?
You can bring your own food or sign up for a free sandwich provided by LiRI. Please fill out the form on this page to register for the event: https://www.liri.uzh.
For more questions, please contact Alessandro De Luca or Guanghao You.