Join us for Scientifica 2023 – 2-3 September in Zürich
Meet researchers from the NCCR Evolving Language at Scientifica, Switzerland’s largest science festival, on the 2nd and 3rd of September! Through activities on our booth and a round table, you’ll be able to learn and discuss about the fascinating origins, present and future of language. Learn more about the event on the Scientifica website.
Booths Meet our researchers at the NCCR Evolving Language booth! At UZH Zentrum Lichthof.

How do meerkats make collective decisions?
– With Lily Johnson-Ulrich and Nikola Falk (UZH)
Come talk with Lily and Nikola to learn about the different forms of decision making in group-living animals and the concept of “many wrongs” – illustrated in a short interactive game and a quizz. You’ll also be able to see how meerkats use vocal communication to make decisions and coordinate in space.
Image: Meerkat running to their sleeping cave. By Lily Johnson-Ulrich.

Animal communication is not so different from human language after all
– With Alexandra Bosshard (UZH), Nicole Tamer (UZH), Théophane Piette (UNIGE) and Stefan Schucker (ETHZ)
In our society, languages form a basic bridge between people. But it is also the case in animals! Scientists have found language-like features in the way some animals communicate. Dive into the fascinating acoustic world of animals, to explore the wonders of animal – and even machine – communication, using quizzes and 3D marine mammals recordings.

EduGame: Action video games for reading acquisition
– With Daphné Bavelier, Marjolaine Cohen, Angela Pasqualotto and Timothy Piton (UNIGE)
Did you know that playing action video games can make you a better reader? This is what this research group is trying to show! On their booth, you’ll be able to discuss this surprising hypothesis with them, and also try it yourself, with a video game made especially to improve reading!

Of machines and humans
– With Valentina Borghesani, Marion Bouffier, Sarah Saneei and Abigail Licata (UNIGE)
Our brains use many different pieces of information to understand and connect ideas. Through a collaborative word network, explore how the brain makes these connections. You’ll also be able to challenge a computer program at solving word riddles!
Round table and discussion (in German) Listen to talks about animal communication and ask questions. At Zoologisches Museum.

Communication in the animal kingdom
– With Richard Hahnloser (ETH/UZH), Marta Manser (UZH) and Klaus Zuberbühler (UNINE).
Come listen to NCCR P.I.s Richard, Marta and Klaus talk about the many ways animal communicate! Lectures will be held at the Zoological Museum, and followed by a discussion in which you’ll be able to ask questions.
- Sunday 3rd of September, 14h-14h20: The call of meerkats, by Marta Manser.
- Sunday 3rd of September, 14h20-14h40: From monkey languages to human languages, by Klaus Zuberbühler.
- Sunday 3rd of September, 14h40-15h: How singing birds learn, by Richard Hahnloser.
- Sunday 3rd of September, 15h-16h: Follow-up discussion about communication in the animal kingdom.