Rate emojis and take part in a scientific research!
🙋❤️📱 🙂. Since the advent of digital communication, emojis have become increasingly popular. But what do they mean? How and in what context are they used? In order to answer these questions, an interdisciplinary team from the University of Lausanne and the EPFL has launched ACCOMOJI, a project that investigates WhatsApp conversations in Switzerland.
And they need YOU, French and Swiss-german speakers, to help them in their research. Indeed, in order to best interpret the conversations, they need additional information on the emotion given by an emoji or on the nature of the relationship of the interlocutors, which cannot be processed by computers.
So take part in this study and enter the draw for 5 gift cards of CHF 50 per week! Please note that the authors recommend that you create an account on the website in order to be able to take part in the survey in several steps.