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Postulez comme responsable de recherche junior

Vous souhaitez rejoindre notre projet PRN en tant que responsable de recherche junior ? Nous serons ravis de vous aider à trouver une institution d’accueil et de vous accueillir ! Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste des subventions (bourses d’études ou subventions salariales) destinées aux chercheurs, ainsi que plus d’informations sur la procédure.

Fonds de subvention du FNS

  • SNSF Starting Grants
    Grâce aux SNSF Starting Grants, les bénéficiaires mènent un projet de recherche indépendant et dirigent une équipe de scientifiques en Suisse. Cet instrument s’adresse à des chercheuses ou des chercheurs ayant plusieurs années d’expérience de recherche après leur doctorat, une qualification équivalente ou leur diplôme de médecine au cours desquelles ils ont déjà atteint une indépendance scientifique et contribué à des recherches importantes dans leur domaine. Détails sur le site du FNS
  • Ambizione
    Les subsides Ambizione visent à soutenir les jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs qui souhaitent réaliser, gérer et diriger un projet planifié de manière autonome au sein d’une haute école suisse. Cet instrument a pour objectif d’encourager les scientifiques de Suisse et de l’étranger. Par ailleurs, les chercheuses et chercheurs du corps intermédiaire sont également autorisés à y soumettre des requêtes. Détails sur le site du FNS
  • PRIMA 
    Les subsides PRIMA s’adressent à des chercheuses remarquables qui démontrent un potentiel évident pour devenir professeure. Avec leur propre équipe, les bénéficiaires PRIMA dirigent leur projet de recherche au moins au niveau d’une position de cheffe de groupe au sein d’une institution de recherche suisse. Détails sur le site du FNS

Postes vacants

  • The University of Neuchatel is seeking candidates with a PhD degree in Biology, internationally recognized research and funding record in behaviour and physiology, as well as an extensive teaching experience and administration skills.

    The successful candidate will direct an independent laboratory at the Institute of Biology within the Faculty of Science. He or she will conduct top-level research that focuses on the physiological mechanisms underlying animal behaviour, including research on hormones and brain anatomy. Research should be focused on organismal biology, placing physiological results into an ecological/evolutionary framework. Applicants should possess the capacity to join an interdisciplinary research team on the evolution of complex communication, the NCCR Evolving Language. Teaching duties will be in the domains of medical physiology and behavioural physiology (full professor: 7h per week, assistant professor: 4h per week). Teaching is in French at Bachelor and English at Master level, requiring a commitm

    The position is meant to start February 1st, 2025, or upon agreement

    Applications should be uploaded onto (ref. FS-PHY-COMP) in the form of a single PDF file, including a letter of motivation, a CV containing lists of obtained research funding, documenting teaching and research experience, a list of publications, copies of diplomas and a list of three experts able to assess the candidate’s competence. The candidate is also invited to present a statement (three pages max.) of teaching and research interests, his/her scientific approach to the domain, and projects that he or she intends to undertake at Neuchâtel. 

    Further information can be obtained from the head of the hiring committee, Prof. Klaus Zuberbuehler (), as well as on the site

  • The Department of Comparative Language Science at the University of Zurich invites applications for a permanent Lecturer position in the Mathematical Foundations of Language (Canton of Zurich pay scale 21, 100% FTE).

    The successful candidate is expected to closely collaborate with and support members of the department and the NCCR Evolving Language. About 30 % of the position is devoted to teaching, both in his/her specific areas of expertise and in general statistical methods. The department’s main everyday language is English, but lecturers are expected to acquire conversational knowledge of German within two years. Teaching can be in English or German.

    The main focus of the position is on the stochastic processes that underlie language change/phylogeny, language acquisition/ontogeny, and language comprehension/production. The ideal candidate has additional expertise and interest in one or more other branches of mathematics that are relevant for language – including, but not limited to, information theory, measure theory, set theory, complexity theory (especially formal language theory), or graph theory. 

    The position is meant to start April 1, 2024, or later. The committee will start reviewing applications by January 15, 2024.  Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

    Applications are to be submitted online via an online form here. Access and information about the online application can be found on the job offer.
    The University of Zurich aims to increase the proportion of women and diversity in research and teaching, and thus explicitly invites applications from suitably qualified individuals.